How to Clean a Pram Or Buggy

To clean a pram or buggy, first remove any loose dirt with a brush or vacuum before wiping it down with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Cleaning your baby’s pram or buggy is an important task you need to do regularly.

These items often carry dirt and germs that can be harmful to your baby’s health. Compromising on their hygiene can also affect their overall comfort. This is why you need to know how to clean a pram or buggy correctly.

While you don’t need to do it every day, it’s good to make it a part of your routine cleaning tasks. In this article, we will walk you through some simple steps on how to clean a pram or buggy at home using easy-to-find materials.

How to Clean a Pram Or Buggy


Step-By-Step Guide To Clean A Pram Or Buggy

When it comes to parenting, cleanliness is an essential aspect to ensure the health and well-being of your little one. One of the items that need regular cleaning is the pram or buggy. Over time, it becomes susceptible to accumulating dirt, grime, and even viruses and bacteria that can potentially harm your baby.

Therefore, it is vital to learn how to clean a pram or buggy effectively.

Gathering All Necessary Cleaning Supplies

Before you begin the cleaning process, gather all the necessary supplies. Here are some of the tools and products that you’ll need:

  • A bucket of warm water
  • A mild detergent or soap
  • A cleaning cloth or sponge
  • Baby wipes
  • A soft-bristled brush
  • Lubricating oil
  • Clean, dry towel

Cleaning The Frame (Separate Instructions For Aluminium, Plastic, And Steel Frames)

The frame is the most significant part of the pram and requires regular cleaning. Depending on the frame’s material, here are some instructions that you should follow:

  • Aluminium frame: Use a soft-bristled brush to sweep off any dirt or debris from the frame. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and wipe down the frame. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they can scratch the frame’s surface.
  • Plastic frame: Use baby wipes or a damp cloth to clean the frame. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the plastic material.
  • Steel frame: Dip a clean cloth in warm water with a mild detergent and wipe the frame’s surface. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they can scratch the steel’s surface.

Using A Cleaning Cloth And Warm Water

After sweeping the frame, use a clean cloth or sponge dipped in warm water to clean the frame and other parts of the pram. Wipe gently in circular motions, ensuring that you reach the tight spots within the pram.

Using Mild Soap Or Detergent For Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains on the frame or fabric, use a mild detergent or soap. Mix the soap with warm water and apply it to the affected area. Use a clean cloth to clean the area gently. Rinse the area with clean water and let it dry.

Tips For Drying The Frame

After cleaning the frame, allow it to dry naturally in a warm place. Ensure that the frame is entirely dry before attaching other components to avoid mould and mildew build-up.

Cleaning The Seat And Straps

Harsh chemicals can damage seat and straps, so it is best to avoid them. Here are some cleaning tips based on the material of the seat and straps:

  • Fabric seats: Remove all textiles from the pram and wash them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You can clean the fabric parts with a mild detergent or soap and water solution. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris, then rinse with clean water.
  • Vinyl seats: Use baby wipes or a damp cloth to wipe down the vinyl seats. Avoid using abrasive materials as they can scratch the surface.

Different Techniques For Fabric And Vinyl Seats

Fabric and vinyl seats have different cleaning requirements. For fabric seats, wipe them down with a damp cloth and air dry them over a warm place. For vinyl seats, use baby wipes or a damp cloth and let them air dry.

Tips For Disinfecting The Seat

Disinfecting the pram or buggy seat is vital, especially during flu or cold seasons. Use a spray disinfectant or a mix of equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle to clean the seat. Spray the solution on the seat and let it sit for a few minutes.

Wipe the residue with a clean, damp cloth and let it dry.

Cleaning The Wheels

The wheels of the pram or buggy are prone to accumulating dirt and debris. Here’s how to clean the wheels:

  • Removing dirt and debris: Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris from the wheels. Ensure that you reach the tight spots within the wheels.
  • Lubricating the wheels: Use lubricating oil to maintain your pram’s wheels’ smooth running. Apply the oil to each wheel’s axel and move it back and forth to spread it evenly.

Attaching All The Components And Testing The Pram/Buggy

After cleaning the pram/buggy thoroughly, reattach all the components and test it before using it to ensure that it is in good working order.

These are the steps you need to follow to keep your pram or buggy clean and safe for your baby. Regular cleaning will not only protect your baby but also extend the life of the pram or buggy.

Tips To Maintain A Clean Pram Or Buggy

Pushchairs, or prams, are the perfect way to get your baby around when you’re on the go. But as with any other gear or equipment, they can accumulate grime and dirt, which could be harmful to your child’s health. Maintaining a clean pram or buggy should be a regular part of your childcare routine.

Below are some tips on how to keep your child’s ride pristine.

Scheduling Regular Cleaning Sessions

Regular cleaning of your pram/buggy is essential, and the cleaning needs may differ depending on the frequency of use. A general rule of thumb is to perform a thorough deep cleaning of the pram thoroughly once a month, and do daily spot cleaning.

Remember to keep an eye out for toxic materials like lead or heavy metals that may be health hazards.

Avoiding Exposure To Harsh Chemicals And Uv Rays

When cleaning the pram or buggy, it is important to avoid harsh chemicals and to choose eco-friendly or natural cleaning products instead. Regular exposure to uv rays can also cause the pram’s colors to fade, and can also weaken the material over time.

Thus, it is essential to keep the pram out of direct sunlight.

Tips For Keeping The Pram/Buggy Clean While In Use

When it comes to keeping your pram or buggy clean while in use, there are a few tips to follow:

  • Carry a small packet of wet wipes to remove spills or stains immediately.
  • Place a small towel or blanket in the pram seat or on the baby’s clothes to prevent direct contact with the fabric, reducing the need to wash the pram.
  • Use pram liners or a buggy cover to help keep the pram’s seat and fabric clean.

Highlighting Common Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning A Pram/Buggy

When maintaining a pram/buggy, there are common mistakes to avoid to ensure that it remains clean and is not damaged in the process:

  • Avoid immersing the pram frame directly in water, as this can cause damage and corrosion to the metal.
  • Avoid using regular washing machines to clean prams. It is best to hand-wash the fabric covers using a mild detergent and warm water.
  • Avoid abrasive cleaners or scrubbing brushes as it can damage the materials, scratches the surface and impair the pram’s appearance.

By following these tips, you can ensure your child’s pram or buggy stays in top condition, providing your baby with a comfortable, clean and safe ride.

Additional Resources For Cleaning A Pram Or Buggy

Linking Relevant Videos And Articles For Supplemental Cleaning Assistance

Cleaning a pram or buggy could be a tedious task, especially if you are doing it for the first time. Therefore, it is essential to look for additional resources that can assist you in cleaning your pram or buggy effectively.

Here are some helpful resources that will guide you in keeping your pram clean and hygienic:

  • Baby products and parenting websites such as baby center and mom loves best feature informative articles on how to clean a pram or buggy.
  • Youtube channels such as madeformums and autotrader feature step-by-step videos on how to clean different types of prams and buggies.

Remember that each pram or buggy is unique, so be sure to choose a resource that aligns with your specific pram or buggy brand and model.

Providing Links For Buying Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies are essential for keeping your pram or buggy clean and hygienic. It is a good practice to have them on hand before starting the cleaning process. Here are some critical cleaning supplies that you should consider purchasing:

  • Microfiber cloth: Microfiber cloths are gentle on the pram’s delicate fabrics, making them perfect for wiping and cleaning.
  • All-purpose cleaner: Choose an all-purpose cleaner that is gentle on the pram’s surfaces.
  • Stain remover: Some prams or buggies may have stubborn stains that a regular cleaner cannot remove. Therefore, consider getting a specific stain remover to cater to these tough stains.
  • Fabric freshener: A fabric freshener will keep your pram smelling fresh and clean.

Don’t forget to read the instructions carefully before using the products.

Highlighting Necessary Safety Precautions To Take While Cleaning

Cleaning your pram or buggy is not only to keep it looking good, but it is also essential for your child’s safety and well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to take necessary safety precautions to avoid any accidents or injuries, such as:

  • Always unplug the pram’s electrical components before you start cleaning.
  • Keep the cleaning products out of reach of children.
  • Avoid cleaning any electrical parts with water.
  • Always use a gentle hand when cleaning to prevent scratches or damages to the pram.

Be sure to read the safety instructions in the user manual before you begin cleaning your pram or buggy.

Remember, cleaning a pram or buggy not only helps keep it in tip-top condition, but it also ensures your child’s safety and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean A Pram Or Buggy

How Often Should I Clean My Pram Or Buggy?

It is recommended that you clean your pram or buggy at least once a month. However, if you use it frequently or your baby has been unwell, you may need to do it more often.

What Tools Do I Need To Clean A Pram Or Buggy?

You’ll need a soft-bristled brush, a vacuum cleaner, mild soap, warm water, and a clean cloth. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can damage the pram’s fabric.

Can I Wash My Pram Or Buggy In A Washing Machine?

Check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine whether your pram or buggy can be washed in a machine. However, it’s generally not recommended as it can damage the fabric and parts of the pram or buggy.

How Do I Clean Mold Or Mildew From My Pram Or Buggy?

Combine equal parts of white vinegar and water, then spray the solution on the affected areas. Scrub the mold or mildew with a soft-bristled brush and then wipe it off with a clean cloth.

How Do I Dry My Pram Or Buggy After Cleaning It?

After cleaning, leave your pram or buggy to air dry completely. You can also speed up the drying process with a hairdryer on the cool setting. But make sure it is properly dried to avoid any mold or mildew growth.

How Can I Prevent My Pram Or Buggy From Getting Dirty?

Keep a blanket inside your pram or buggy to create a barrier between your baby and the pram’s fabric. Avoid placing food and drinks near it. Clean spills and stains immediately using a damp cloth.


Now you know how to clean your pram or buggy and keep it in top condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure that your baby’s ride is clean, hygienic and comfortable. Avoid using abrasive or harsh cleaning products and test any cleaning solution in a small area first before applying it to the whole pram.

Remember to remove any excess water or cleaning solution and dry your pram thoroughly before storing it away. Finally, don’t forget to regularly check the brakes, wheels, and frames of your pram for any signs of damage or wear and tear.

With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your little one travels in a safe, clean and comfortable mode of transport. Happy cleaning!

Daniel Methews
Daniel Methews
Daniel Methews is a cleaning expert with a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field. With his expertise in various cleaning techniques, he has become a trusted specialist in the industry. Daniel's mastery lies in the art of vacuum cleaning, where he excels in utilizing the latest advancements in technology to ensure impeccable results. Additionally, his skills in stain removal are unparalleled, as he possesses an in-depth understanding of different types of stains and the most effective methods to eliminate them. Daniel Methews is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning solutions, leaving spaces spotless and customers satisfied.

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